MakerGear printers do not require security updates and should only have firmware changed if there is new hardware attached to the printer. If you have added an upgrade, please continue to M2-Firmware
The following is intended for tinkerers working with older hardware or homebrew options.
There are several different firmware options you can use to control your printer. When you buy an assembled printer or a kit, it comes with a working, pre-calibrated firmware already installed on the RAMPS board. There is no need to change firmware to make your printer work initially.
You can change firmware once you have everything running and have made a few successful prints.
If you have modified the firmware, you will want to use the MG firmware found at as it's known to work well and makes troubleshooting much easier when everyone is on the same page. Our older stable Sprinter version needs the arduino version 0023 or earlier to compile correctly.
For pid settings, try the following as a starting point:
P10240 I141 D8960
For pid settings, try the following as a starting point:
P40 I0.55 D35